Special Offer for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Business Experts
5 Lucky People Invited to a Heavily Discounted Opportunity to Record Promotional Videos for Their Business – With a Professional Videographer!
Here is a sample of what we can do for you!
Work with Des O’Connor’s designated professional videographer: in a Hotel, on Stage, With Your Logo in the Background If Required
Share a Whole Day with a Professional Videographer
How would you like to get professionally recorded videos that you can use to promote your business, share your expertise, and attract new customers?
Join me for this amazing opportunity: I am hosting a whole day of video shoots on September 23 at Regent’s Park Holiday Inn in London with my preferred professional videographer.
What you get for £297…
What could you do with this time with a pro videographer?
You could use these videos for your…

Video is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing, and this professional videographer can give you the polished video presentation that you deserve to make your business look its best!
This is a fantastic special discount, with an experienced professional videographer who regularly works with me at my events. To pay a professional videographer for this package of services, including editing and final formatting, would usually start from £800 upwards.
I am providing an amazing opportunity for 7 lucky people (2 places are already taken). 5 spots remaining!
You will record for 75 minutes as many videos as you wish, and don’t worry about the mistakes as we will edit it all for you afterwards.
Space is available for only 7 people on the day, with only 5 spots remaining, for a special discounted price of only £297 for over an hour of recording.
Value £800
SPECIAL OFFER: ONLY £297 (for the FIRST 5 PEOPLE who book)
Why Should You Use Video for Your Business?
Are you ready to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity? This is an exceptional discount on professional videographer services.