There are Only 3 Ways to Guarantee You an Opportunity to Speak on Stage!
- Free
This is the first stepping stone to lead you to paid speaking opportunities. You may be invited to speak at a family gathering (a wedding, a family event etc) or if you have friends who hold events, they may invite you to come and speak. This will initially be a point of practice as it is not possible to gain a speaking opportunity out of the blue.
But what this will enable you to do is:
• Huge exposure to quickly establish yourself as an expert.
• Generate new profitable leads.
• Gain further speaking opportunities in the other two options.

2. Paid to Speak / Keynote Speaker
A step up from the first, what will be able to get you to this status is to join speaker’s bureau’s, forums or groups where you can gain a small following.
What this level will enable you to do is:
• Become established and invited to speak at events.
• Charge a higher fee to speak on stage.
• Join speaker’s bureau and agencies to increase your exposure.
3. Pay to Play – Guarantees you a speaking slot
The final step in your elevating speaking career! By reaching this stage you will be able to:
• Invest in your professional development.
• Generate premium leads.
• Sell your services from the stage and keep 100% of the profit.
• Guarantee to speak on stage and bypass your competitors
As you are now informed of the 3 main ways of speaking on stage, before you go running- -you must know the 5 most important points before you consider speaking on stage:
• No-one will contact you out of the blue and invite you to speak on their platform – it simply does not work like that
• The most important statistic we can share with you is that only 8% of entrepreneurs seek professional help when learning to speak publicly on stage in order to discover profitable event opportunities. This leads to a loss of leads, profits and overall success.
• By swearing on stage will lose you 40% of the audience especially if they are religious and have children in the room – please refrain from swearing on stage – it is simply not necessary and will lose you a lot of money
• Speakers who refuse to invest in their speaking career would rather spend thousands on Facebook ads , website design and other marketing services.. Why?? You are not only leaving money on the table but allowing your competitors to steal your clients.
• There are speakers who state that “they never pay to speak on stage” or frown at the opportunity – which yet again is all about their ego and lack of confidence – imagine having your target 100 in attendance audience in an event – If you invested for eg £1000 to sell to them for a presentation – on average 10% convert depending on how good you are – that is £20,000 in sales and a whopping £19,000 profit. Does this make sense to you now?

Thank you for showing interest in speaking at my upcoming events:
Please scroll down for more information about speaking at my upcoming events, as there is a short form at the bottom of this page and as soon as you complete it, you will have access to my diary to schedule a conversation with me!

“I am the UK’s No1 Consultant for Creating Women Business Leaders Worldwide & Empowering Them to Speak on Stage”
All of our events are scheduled in London and I would love to have you on board for this amazing opportunity! We expect around 100 guests to attend. This is the latest in a series of successful and well-attended live events that I have hosted, promoted and produced to help Women in Business to be successful (and men).
Our events are sure to be inspiring days and an ideal chance for your business to gain new clients, new sales leads, and expand your brand!

To learn more about me and how my events work, can you please have a look at these videos & links (preferably from your PC/laptop so the display will be optimal):
Are You Aware That We Also Have International Speaking Opportunities in 2023?
Also, I will help you to get paid speaking opportunities internationally.
Please watch my promo videos and details for all upcoming events in 2023 – we have several speaking opportunities in the UK and internationally and also packages to help improve your business:


Hear a testimonial from prominent coach Nicki Vee (from MasterCoach) on why speaking at my events is a great opportunity for your business:

Watch These Testimonials From Some of My Clients & Speakers:

Are You Already Experienced as a Professional Speaker, or Will This Be Your First Time Speaking on Stage at Such a Large Event?
Are You Aware That We Also Have International Speaking Opportunities in 2024?
Also, I will help you to get paid speaking opportunities internationally
Wherever you are in your speaking career, I can help you! I have put more than 1000 speakers on stage over the last 14 years and some for the first time and some experienced speakers who wanted professional video showreels and promotional photos.
Why Should You Speak or Exhibit at My Amazing Events? Because:

Be a speaker, exhibitor and sponsor of Des O’Connor’s Events! Your business will benefit in numerous ways.
Here Is Our FINAL Women in Business Event
Des O’Connor Empowerment and Shoe Launch Events

Kelly Tyler – Speakers Insights
Speaker and Exhibitor Opportunities

If you are still interested in speaking at my upcoming events, let me ask you some questions:

Pam Chand CEO of Grandeur & Love Matchmaking Company
Listen to her testimonial after her successful whole day launch event organised by Des O’Connor
Ready to invest in your success?
Your Investment
Several sponsorship packages are available to suit your goals, at the Intro, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels:
INTRO PACKAGE (Speak on stage for 2 minutes)
- Banner – we design your digital banner with your company details for us both to promote so the guests are fully aware what you are providing on the day
- Include your literature and sales brochures in the handouts to delegates
- Promoted on our website for all guests to see what you do
- Speak on stage for 2 minutes
- Professional Photography: Get several photos of yourself speaking on stage (taken by our professional photographer on the day) that you can use for your website, social media and other marketing efforts.
- Video recording of your full presentation, professionally edited with your brand, use your professional show reel to get connected with UK and International speaking opportunities
BRONZE PACKAGE (Speak on stage for 10 minutes)
- Banner – we design your digital banner with your company details for us both to promote so the guests are fully aware what you are providing on the day
- Include your literature and sales brochures in the handouts to delegates
- Promoted on our website for all guests to see what you do
- Speak on stage for 10 minutes
- Professional Photography: Get several photos of yourself speaking on stage (taken by our professional photographer on the day) that you can use for your website, social media and other marketing efforts.
- Exhibit for the whole day: put up your promotional roller banner and get a mains socket to plug in your laptop/visual display
SILVER PACKAGE (Speak on stage for 20 minutes)
- You get: all components of Bronze package plus…
- Speak on stage for 20 minutes or be interviewed live on stage
- We will send a promotional text on the day to ALL attendees to encourage them to come to your stand/take up a special offer
- Promotional video – recorded with our videographer on the day to use for future promotion
- We will send a promotional email after the event to all guests as another reminder with your website and contact details
- Video recording of your full presentation, professionally edited with your brand, use your professional show reel to get connected with UK and International speaking opportunities
GOLD PACKAGE (Speak on stage for 30 minutes)
- You get: all components of Silver package plus…
- Speak on stage for 30 minutes or be interviewed live on stage
- Bonus: One Facebook Live interview (promoted to Des’s entire network)
- Mentioned again on stage on the day by the host to reinforce your brand
- Be part of a live competition on the day (raffle, etc.) to get more exposure
- –
PLATINUM PACKAGE (Speak on stage for 60 minutes)
- You get: all components of Gold package plus…
- 3 strategy/consultation sessions with Des O’Connor on how to improve your business, how to speak on stage, how to maximise your opportunities and be one of the first to speak internationally in 2024
- Speak on stage for 30/60 minutes and/or be interviewed live on stage for 30 minutes
- Bonus: 2 Facebook Live interviews (promoted to Des’s network – double your reach and engagement!)
- Bonus: Webinar course – “How to Use Webinars to Treble Your Business Income as You Sleep” (value of £497)
- All recordings of Des O’Connor’s Women In Business events (learn from 60 top speakers) (value of HUNDREDS of pounds)-
See What Des’s Happy Clients Say
Caroline Heward – Stress Xpress
Joyce Alexander – After attending Des’s Women in Business conference
Imagine delivering a presentation to a large audience for an investment of £1000 and you receive 7 clients paying you an average of £500 each? That would be a profit of £2500!
Where Else Can You Make That Profit, As Well As Speak on Stage and Receive a Professional Edited Video of Your Speaking Skills?
Several of my speakers have made thousands of pounds from this exciting sales model and promotional opportunity
This is a proven model of marketing and selling on stage. I know how to put you in front of your ideal target audience and help you maximize your success as a professional speaker!