The Facebook LIVE will be an interview streamed at 11am on a Saturday in June, July, August and September. We can also have a catch up 30 minutes or so before we commence the recording. Please have an idea as to what url, special offer etc you would like to share. I will send you the link to join as we use Streamyard and you can access via your PC or mobile phone.

Please can you fill in the short questionnaire below to schedule your Facebook Live for the November 26th event.

Please note that your Facebook Live cannot be arranged until you send in your title and questions. (Please choose a different title from your on stage presentation.)

    Full Name*


    What is the title of your FB Live?**

    Please provide 6 questions for that you would like me to ask you on the FB Live interview. *

    Write your first question !*

    Write your Second question !*

    Write your third question !*

    Write your fourth question !*

    Write your fifth question !*

    Write your sixth question !*

    Click here to read the terms and privacy policy.